Playin pack and rush to death such is our style!
Access to clans war
Access to the forum Werewolf
Definitive access to Mumble WF
Voting right for the recruitment
Straight ahead to wear and to raise the tag WF
After evaluating a vote will be launched
(5 days maximum from the beginning and the end of voting)
Bookseller player's clan (Up to 5 days)
… patience … game level
… ripeness … relationship with the clan
… fair play
Request through the factsheet
Clan WereWolf today consists of members who enjoy and take the
fun playing together, beyond the fact that our game is based on aggression and the "rush"
we want to keep this unit.
To do this the clan established a recruitment protocol that all applicants must meet; we mean by applicants, the players who used to play with the Werewolf.

+ Presentation on our forum